Wednesday, May 26, 2010

For Girls

So we've hit that time. At almost 4, CJ finally uttered the words...I can't get that. It's for girls. It broke my heart. I know it is related to him going to school because the little girls there often tell him "this is just for girls" but he never really paid attention to them before. This time he flipping through a catalog picking out things for his birthday party and remarked he couldn't get the pink pirate set. Mind you he has the pink pirate cards at home that he loves. It really bothered me as I tried desperately to figure out how to explain to him that he didn't need to follow what society deemed to be appropriate for boys and girls. My mind started racing toward all of the things he might now limit himself to because it was a guys thing. Would my sensitive boy stop caring so much or decide that boys don't cry? Will he feel that he has to play sports instead of paint pictures? Will he give up believing in fairies as they are all marketed toward children? Breathe, Courtney, breathe. This morning he woke up, put on several of Ceirnan's pink and purple hair bows, and decided he wanted to wear at least one for the day which he did while he did his morning run from the stop sign to the car. SIGH.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bad Parent

So I admit it...I try to be the perfect parent. I do worry about being one (perhaps the only) mom that doesn't stay at home out of all of the moms in CJ's class. I'm always the first to sign up for things and go out of my way to send treats at least once a month. I'm always worried that I am not doing enough or we don't look as engaged as we should be. I find it funny since I really don't worry about what most people think of me as a person. Still when it comes to my kids I don't want them to be negatively affected by my choices.

Anyway, this is way deeper than I wanted to get. What I really wanted to say is that I sent my kid to school today without having given him a bath last night. I know...I know...shocking. LOL! I don't want him to be the smelly kid in class, but I was literally falling asleep on the couch. He was exhausted and started crying. was like 8pm, but sometimes you are just tired. Usually if that happens, I get him up early and either give him a bath or throw him in the shower with Case or I. Today, I let him sleep. Hopefully he wasn't that stinky!