Thursday, September 3, 2009


I'm currently trying to work on being more positive. This summer has been crazy at work and the stress has really kept me down. The past few weeks I was starting to finally feel some of that second trimester energy, which is good considering I'm almost into the third trimester. Then last week I kind of plummeted again. I was just so exhausted from work. Saturday night I couldn't sleep and that led to all kinds of questions in my mind. I spent almost two hours crying and then being mad at myself for letting my emotions get the best of me. I just kept wondering if Lucy was born to another family and reliving the guilt of her passing.

Last night started out great. I was exhausted, but in a pretty good mood. Then something just snapped and I became so angry. Poor Casey was trying to be nice and get me things and I just felt like he was giving me an attitude so I lost it. I ended up staying up late and waking up all achy this morning. At some point in the midst of my shower this morning, I realized that my being negative isn't helping anything. In fact, being negative is taking so much more energy than being positive does. I am so blessed to have a great family, a job, another baby on the way, and that we were not hit like many families when Casey's job was eliminated.

1 comment:

Courtcase1 said...

*Emily* has left a new comment on your post "Positivity":

Sometimes you just have to let yourself cry. Nothing to get mad at yourself for. When I was pregnant, I sobbed at the slightest thing. I'm pretty sure Mike thought that I had lost it when I started crying at the kids' cartoons. I found Toy Story 2 particularly sad. ;)

The raging hormones of pregnancy can make you feel crazy. They made me exhausted. I popped her out around 7am and felt ready to go by that afternoon. It was almost like my body knew that I would have so much to do after she came, so it physically kept me from doing ANYTHING for 9 months.

You're a strong woman. You'll make it! :)
