Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bad Parent

So I admit it...I try to be the perfect parent. I do worry about being one (perhaps the only) mom that doesn't stay at home out of all of the moms in CJ's class. I'm always the first to sign up for things and go out of my way to send treats at least once a month. I'm always worried that I am not doing enough or we don't look as engaged as we should be. I find it funny since I really don't worry about what most people think of me as a person. Still when it comes to my kids I don't want them to be negatively affected by my choices.

Anyway, this is way deeper than I wanted to get. What I really wanted to say is that I sent my kid to school today without having given him a bath last night. I know...I know...shocking. LOL! I don't want him to be the smelly kid in class, but I was literally falling asleep on the couch. He was exhausted and started crying. was like 8pm, but sometimes you are just tired. Usually if that happens, I get him up early and either give him a bath or throw him in the shower with Case or I. Today, I let him sleep. Hopefully he wasn't that stinky!

1 comment:

*Emily* said...

Sometimes it's just too exhausting to bathe. ;) We don't make it into a bath every day. I justify it with this thought- if they've spent most of the day inside, how dirty could they have gotten? :)